Benefits in Exclusive Breastfeeding for Baby

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The nutrients of life for your baby is within you.


The nutrients of life for your baby is within you.

Mamma’s your breast is like a tree, full of branch like vessels intertwined with one another.Β  Deeply embedded within your branch like vessels is a rich soil of milk, that not only contains nourishment but maintains an ever new spring of life flourishing your babies inner atmosphere.

You are the tree of life
for your baby.

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Without further do,

Allow me to expose 3 areas that benefits your baby from exclusive breastfeeding.

First we’ll dive into Respiratory, then Gastrointestinal & lastly, prevention of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

Let’s talk!

Benefits on Respiratory Health

Infections In Infants

I am sure you heard the rumor of ear infections that occur in infants.

Aside from teething; constant fussiness, fever and difficulty sleeping are cues of possible ear infections.

Well, exclusive breastfeeding reduces the chances of your infant developing ear & throat infections by 63%.

This includes other upper respiratory infections like pneumonia, IF you maintain exclusive breastfeeding for more than 6 months.

Breastfeeding reduces risk of ear infections.


Breastfeeding reduces risk of ear infections

Take note mamas,

Your baby is vulnerable to bacteria and viruses that you can increase protection from, with your antibodies by way of breastfeeding.

This can save you countless doctor visits and calling out from work, due to a sick baby. Let’s not even go into a conversation about funds for medications.

So, be bold with your liquid gold when it comes to breastfeeding exclusively!

Benefits on Gastrointestinal Health

Have you ever wondered, why does a baby spit up a large number when formula fed compared to breastfed?

Well, formula milk is not timely digested as breast-milk for the immature intestines of an infant.

My adorable nephew in the top left picture, trying to sit up own his own, would spit up a lot. Leaving my sister full of questions on why he spits up so much when she bottle fed him.

I can hear her frustration now when she speaks about it.

This is why exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months is strongly recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Exclusive breastfeeding; is breastfeeding without any formula, solids, or outside nutrients.

So, in knowledge of this,

Be inspired to breastfeed not just 6 months, but past 1 year to prevent later issues that can arise.

Isn’t that a good 12 months of savings of baby food?

Did you know?

Colostrum builds your baby gut!

Understand that your colostrum is a thick rich, liquid gold content from your breast.

As it is ingested by your infant it transfers immunoglobins aka antibodies.

Those antibodies produce a thick coating that covers a baby’s intestines & stomach. An infant GI system is not fully developed into tight connections yet, so gap spaces are present.

A healthy gut is a happy baby. Breastfeeding benefits all infants.


A healthy gut is a happy baby.


Your breast milk assist in development of tight connections, coating your infants intestines and stomach, while providing antibodies.

So to reiterate,

Colostrum carries antibodies that produce a thick coat to cover the intestines & stomach.

Colostrum coats your baby intestines

Mamma, your milk is developing your baby body from the inside out!

Another thing to note is that your colostrum also helps produce healthy poops!

The Scoop on Poop! Breastfeeding helps with poops, healthy poop smell sweet, look seedy and yellow- mustard.


The Scoop on Poop!
Healthy breastfed poops smell sweet, look seedy and yellow- mustard.

Yep! Colostrum serves as an laxative for newborns, so don’t be surprise when you’re changing diapers 5 to 8 times daily.

Talk about a good cleansing! lol

Exclusive Breastfeeding Is Necessary!

Lastly, there’s a non digestible sugar called oligosaccharide within your breast milk, it’s ingested by your infant to produce prebiotics! Those pre-biotics help bind bacteria and fights off viruses.

Can you say a-ma-zing!

Haha, yes, you are!

Choose to exclusively breastfeed for a minimum of 6 months, at most 1 year. You are sure to decrease the risk of your baby suffering from GI issues like; chron’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome up to 64%.

Especially a 77% decrease of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC).


(NEC) is a disease that disrupts the tight connections that seal the intestines of an infants’ stomach.

This makes an infant vulnerable for bacteria to damage the intestinal lining. A whole lot if issues that is painful to an infant.


Exclusive breastfeeding decreases the chances of your baby developing, type 1 diabetes and lean toward a greater outcome in higher intelligence.

Fun Fact!

(When you wing your infant from breast feeding, your baby GI remains protected up to 2 months post ceasing of breastfeeding)

There is power in your breast milk!

Finally, I want to expose how exclusive breastfeeding prevent SIDS.

Exclusive breastfeeding decreases SIDS

Benefits On SIDS Prevention

The mortality rates among infants who were never breastfed sums up to 21% of infant deaths.

Which means,

Within the U.S. 900 infants lives per year, may be saved if 90% of mothers exclusively breastfed for 6 months.


Zooming on SIDS rates & positions of a baby sleeping on its’ back, exclusive breastfeeding is proven to decrease SIDS rates.


It’s also noted that while your infant is sleeping, placing a pacifier in your infants’ mouths reduces the risk of SIDS as well.

Pacifiers are nive, but breastfeeding covers both ear infections and concerns for SIDS.


Pacifiers reduce risk of SIDS, yet increases ear infections

Yet, the contradiction concerns falls under the risk of ear infections. Lately, studies have shown that infants usage in pacifiers have higher experiences with ear infections.

If it’s not one thing, it’s another.

In the end the choice of an infection beats the risk of SIDS.

BUT! In exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months up to 1 year you cover both concerns.

Hey now, I think it’s more than safe to say that popping out your breast here and there to feed your infant is well worth it.

In full knowledge of all the things it prevents your baby from getting, and the benefits it grants you too.

So what are you contemplating on?

Pop it out and let mother nature take hold of your bundle of joy!

Be bold with your liquid gold and do it with class!

Public Breastfeeding Is A New Norm

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